Can the Lift Car become the protagonist in building renovation projects?
Fabrizio Nicoli, CEO of NOVA Elevators and Honorary President of ANICA, shared his long-standing experience in the article included in NOVA Elevators’ Press Review.
His contribution is published on the issue “How it Works: Modernisations”. The copies have been distributed in preview to industry professionals at Interlift 2019.
The “car” is the only component of the lift visible to the final user whose impact is similar to that of the car passenger compartment: this is the lift component embodying clients’ ideas and aesthetic imagination, in a more or less free manner (…).
Although for the user the cabin represents the “lift” as a whole, the lift is actually made up of some macro components whose technological value is much than that of the car itself (…). Sometimes the customer requires an aesthetic and functional result which is appropriate to the purpose with an adequate practical impact, such as in the case of renovations or modernization of existing buildings, (…).
In these applications, the car, the Cinderella of lift components, turns into a princess: the car identifies the lift itself, and it is a synecdoche that with its finishes and quality gives splendour to all those parts of the lift that the user will never see (…).
“Chapter 5 | The Cabin: the protagonist for the renovation of existing buildings”. Fabrizio Nicoli, NOVA Elevators CEO, ELEVATORI MAGAZINE, special issue “How it works: Modernisations”, October 2019
Read the full-article below: