New update
Important information for home owners in Germany and barrier-free homes: on Thursday July, 2nd the government approved the second supplementary “Budget Law”, which provides various measures and an expenditure of around 500 billion Euros. This includes an additional increase in the Public Bank (KfW) fundings for barrier-free conversion and renovation projects, with an additional € 50 million.
Government fundings in Germany are once again available for the people with reduced mobility or aged owners of residential properties. The aim is to help home mobility and avoid moving from one’s property, because being able to determine where you want to live does not only mean quality of life, but is also an important human right.
Most of existing apartments and houses are not geared towards long-term care or disability. Too often young people do not think that mobility can be severely restricted. Converting a house or apartment to be wheelchair accessible or barriers-free can cost a lot of money. Therefore, people should take every opportunity to get grants or low-interest loans.
The German federal government and most federal states have launched their own funding programs for 2020.
So far, the total amount budgeted by the federal government (the so-called “pot”) has finished during summer time, in September at the latest. So it is recommended to inquire about the funding opportunities of the federal states, counties or municipalities.
The grant varies according to the municipality, district or state.
As a rule, 20% of the proven construction sum will be reimbursed as a grant, however the grant value is currently at max. € 6,000 limited.
NOVA Elevators offers numerous solutions for the accessibility of residential properties.